domingo, 24 de março de 2013

Medical Boards stand in favor of the empowerment of women in the event of termination of pregnancy

Thu, 21 March 2013

Based on ethical, epidemiological, social and legal entities advocate maintaining abortion as a crime, but they think the law should review the list of situations where there excluding unlawfulness
The Federal Council of Medicine (CFM) and 27 regional councils of Medicine (CRMs) resolved by majority, positioning the entities of the system components, which represents 400,000 doctors Brazilians, with respect to the expansion of the exclusionary criminal illegal activity in case of interruption pregnancy. "Importantly, they are not decided the Medical Council in favor of abortion, but rather to empower women and physician. In this sense, medical organizations agree with the proposal still under consideration in the Congress, "explained the president of CFM, Luiz Roberto d'Avila. He said the Medical Council are opposed to abortion, which remains a crime.
Given the above, the CFM and 27 CRMs express the understanding reached, noting that different understandings must be respected, as expected in a democratic state. It is expected, therefore, to advance this debate within Congress, specifically, and society, always with the intent to qualify the practice of medicine and improve the quality of health care offered to Brazilians.
This issue is being addressed in the context of the Brazilian Penal Code Reform (PLS 236/2012), currently pending in Congress. The decision of the Medical Council was taken by the representatives of those who participated in the first National Councils of Medicine 2013, held 6-8 March in Belém (PA). The findings will be forwarded in due course to the Senate Committee responsible for drafting the project.
By understanding the Councils, with the approval of the points proposed by the Reform of the Criminal Code will not be called decriminalization of abortion. What will be created are "exclusive causes of illegality." That is, only in the cases specified in the project in Congress termination of pregnancy will not configure crime. Acts committed outside that scope should be penalized.
For most, the Board of Medicine agreed that the reform of the Penal Code, which is still awaiting a vote, must refrain from unlawful interruption of pregnancy in the following situations: a) when "there is a risk to life or health of the mother"; b ) if "the pregnancy results from sexual violation of dignity, employment or not consented to assisted reproductive technology", c) if "proven anencephaly or when the fetus suffers from severe and incurable defects that impede independent living in both cases certified by two doctors ", and d) is" at the discretion of pregnant until the 12th week of pregnancy. "
Debate - To get to this position, the Boards of Medicine have studied the issue for several months. Were heard representatives of different segments and analyzed numerous studies and contributions. Ethical and bioethical aspects, epidemiological and public health, social, legal and evaluated. Representatives of religious groups were also asked to help by presenting your point of view. This set of contributions led to the positioning adopted.
From an ethical standpoint, it was understood by majority that the current limits exclusive of illegality of abortion provided for in the Penal Code of 1940, which have been observed by medical organizations are inconsistent with humanistic and humanitarian commitments, paradoxical social responsibility and international treaties signed by the Brazilian government.
Advice for the strict principles should not go against your purposes. In this sense, it should be borne in mind that protection of the human being stands as a priori moral and ethical goals. These parameters can not be defined satisfactorily without the aid of the principles of autonomy, which entails reverence to the person for their opinions and beliefs; beneficence, to do no harm, extremar the benefits and minimize the risks, of nonmaleficence; and justice or fairness in the distribution of risks and benefits, excelling by fairness.
Regarding the epidemiological and public health, it was concluded that the practice of unsafe abortion (performed by persons without training, with the use of dangerous equipment or unhygienic institutions) have a strong impact on public health. In Brazil, abortion is a major cause of maternal mortality in the country, being avoidable in 92% of cases. Furthermore, complications caused by this type of procedure performed insecurely represents the third leading cause of occupation of obstetric beds in Brazil. In 2001, there were 243,000 hospitalizations in the network of the Unified Health System (SUS) by curettage postabortion.
In the social field, we took into consideration the statistics of morbidity and mortality of women due to unsafe practices in the termination of pregnancy are even higher due to the difficulty of access to adequate care, especially the less privileged portion of the population. In the evaluation of the Board, this aspect adds a social dimension to the problem, which launches in limbo an important segment of women who end up losing their lives or compromising their health because of practices without the slightest care.
Finally, in the legal sphere, it is understood that the proposal to amend the Criminal Code established in PLS 236/2012 - WILL NOT decriminalize abortion. The conclusion of the Board of Medicine is that with the approval of this project the crime of abortion will continue to exist, will be created only excluding other causes of illegality. Ie. Therefore, only in the cases specified in the project in Congress that termination of pregnancy will not configure crime.

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